Wednesday, February 29, 2012

10 months post op

OMG Its been 10 months since my surgery. Time flies on by doesn't it....A lot has changed since I last wrote on here. Like i said it's been 10 months since surgery almost 6 months since I last wrote on here. I just went to my regular doctor yesterday and go ton the scale I'm officially the smallest I could remember right now. I'm down 58 lbs now, I'm down to a size 10 in pants and 167 lbs. I have another fill appointment coming up in about 3 weeks from now. I feel so different then i did before i had this surgery. I have way more energy and more self- confidence. I have more thrive to do things and go places. I've rewarded myself with getting my nails and toes done, tanning and haircuts. I don't want to sound like I'm a hot head but i feel pretty good about myself. When i look in the mirror I don't quite see a full change quite yet but when I look at all pictures I can see the difference. Just by looking at my old pictures I can feel like my chest is tight and i feel the out of breath i used to feel at that weight. Bronson is deployed, i cant wait to finally enjoy more of life with him when he comes back in a couple of months. I can only hope I'm ta my goal weight when he returns. I have about 2 1/2  months left of him gone and about 20-25 lbs left so get to my goal my doctor and i set a while ago.
I just wish I could have th etime to work out more

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