Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A total of 25 lbs down and 12" off my body since I first started this journey

    OH MY GOD.. I just finally realized I'm officially 25 lbs down since I first started this whole weight loss journey I'm on. I lost 25 lbs forever and 12 inches off my body gone, so gone FOREVER! I've been so busy lately trying to find myself again I'm not sure where the time went that past by in order to lose all this weight, but I'm so glad it's gone. I'm starting to have more energy, and love how all my clothing is showing up a bit bigger and bigger on my body as I change into different outfits. At first I don't think I noticed the weight come off right away, Until recently when people are starting to tell I look smaller. It Feels SOOO GOOD, I can't even tell you. So GOOD!

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